Wednesday, November 4, 2009

who am i

She's everything that any man could want. Although some didin't share the same opinion she had of herself. It's funny how you preceive yourself a cretian way, and others that you know precive you other ways. If you can only be you no matter who is around. i would like to know hat the people i love understand that i am me and i will disapoint, hell im good at that. I always have.. im sospost ot be hell i dont know what m doing. im hoping if i write everyday that artist inside will come through. ive had writers block for several years im sure that there are things inside that are screaming to come out. but what are they and how do i let it out?

Maybe hes rigth that i need help that i need to go to a doctor, but i remeber that i have, over and over and over, nothing is wrong pyhsically. of course except the fact that im clinically over weight. hell theres lots of things that are wrong with me. Ive always took something to deal with it. now im sober for how long since i meet him. wierd or what? i know that it was about htat time. but i never knew that my issues were so deep that i couldnt manage them, i thought it was just that i didnt want to mange them..

how do i go about living not knowing what my limit is? how do i find it out without going over board?

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