Wednesday, November 11, 2009

its a new day

i started blogging to just release some of my inner artist that has been misplaced lately.
I know my life is wonderful, and I thank god that I have people in my life that give a damn.  We are lucky at these times to have ones that care so. I'm always feeling like there is something missing, and i realize that being mom and wife comes with everything i could ask for, they give me their all and dont hold back.  I feel as not working hard to pursue something that i love to better my family im sorta failing them, if not them , then me.  I know this is not true, but it doesnt change that feeling.

So Im deciding to take a stand as a wife and as a mother.  To do something for me, not for selfish reasons, but for reasons beyond me or my family.  Ive strong and fabulous and i have lots of knowlage that im ready to let out.  I need an outlet, something that i can put my hands into and get wet. to feel productive; not saying my family doesnt make me feel that way.  But i want ot make something better of me. I want to show my family that there is a reason to support and stand behind me.  I'm always tired or tired, but no more. i konw that your sospot to wait and do it on new years to make a revolution, but not me, and today is mine... I'm going to love me for me and my family.  I'm going to say today is the day i stop making excuses and do what iI know I'm good at.  I'm going ot work hard and make my family proud.. AMEN!

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