Thursday, March 8, 2012


Our little girl is getting so big! @ 11, she has had opportunists to do things that i would have never dreamed.
Including the opportunity to become a Student Ambassador for people to people, going to Washington DC for 4 days in summer with her school, getting the invite to be part of the Advanced Theater program @ her school, and invited to become part of the Austin Wildcats Basketball program! she is super talented and we are very proud. big things to come for such a lil girl!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

When time is ticking away, and we are holding on tight to the old things that hold us down, we cannot move to where we are to be.  We precive things in ways that are unnessacary. Why Cry we grieve overthings that cannot be changed. Yet we dont take the time to realize and be thankful for the things we have, nitthe things we dont have..

AAND people wonder why the world is so screwed up.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

its a new day

its a new day

i started blogging to just release some of my inner artist that has been misplaced lately.
I know my life is wonderful, and I thank god that I have people in my life that give a damn.  We are lucky at these times to have ones that care so. I'm always feeling like there is something missing, and i realize that being mom and wife comes with everything i could ask for, they give me their all and dont hold back.  I feel as not working hard to pursue something that i love to better my family im sorta failing them, if not them , then me.  I know this is not true, but it doesnt change that feeling.

So Im deciding to take a stand as a wife and as a mother.  To do something for me, not for selfish reasons, but for reasons beyond me or my family.  Ive strong and fabulous and i have lots of knowlage that im ready to let out.  I need an outlet, something that i can put my hands into and get wet. to feel productive; not saying my family doesnt make me feel that way.  But i want ot make something better of me. I want to show my family that there is a reason to support and stand behind me.  I'm always tired or tired, but no more. i konw that your sospot to wait and do it on new years to make a revolution, but not me, and today is mine... I'm going to love me for me and my family.  I'm going to say today is the day i stop making excuses and do what iI know I'm good at.  I'm going ot work hard and make my family proud.. AMEN!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I was talking to a friend yesterday, we were discussing friends that we can only take in small doses. thats bad right?  But dod you not know people that you can only take in small doses im sure all of us do.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You wonder where you are sospost ot go in life. You wonder if you are on the path that the lord made for you.  You look around at others and wonder the same about them, hwat about hte people that cross your paths? are they meant to be in your life? or are they just floating by, our life span seems so short, yet so long. When You are young and want ot grow up, and when your grown you always want to stay young.. aaahhhh the days of being fed and someone taking care of you. i see and hope our little ones get to enjoy it always
Did you know that once apon a time there were dragons? there were mad kings and cruel queens? they could do as they pleasein thire own land to their people for whatever reason.