she was so young when she started, she didn't know how to deal with all the emotions that flooded her body. She had just became a mom, sweaty and tired but she was filled with joy. This wasn't her first, but this was the first time she had a man to enjoy the experience with.
Oh how she loved him so, but somehow she know.
Was this right? was he the right one? were they compatible? After a year of being together she was still insure. She was alone for so long that she wasn't sure about the feelings she had for him. Was it cause he was the father of her children? was it cause she was finally tired of being alone? MISS INDEPENDENT...
Was he ready for her life? Was he ready for the turmoil that she has to deal with. does he really understand how much of a mess her life is?
When he does find out what will happen? will he get up and walk out?? I'm sure he nor any sane person would have no problem doing that.
Did she secretly want that ?? Was she that evil that she could hurt him so and not care? Could she make sure that he didn't leave?
"walk in my foot steps, watch how i treated people. See how easy it was for me to turn my back." she remembered how ugly she had been. Was this the punishment she knew knew she'd have to deal with one day? For everything that she put people thought was all her penance enough to have that life and that mad madam disappear..
Her name was Meg. She was a wild woman. long brown flowing hair. beautiful exotic eyes. great bone structur. She was beautful on the outside, she wished she could feel as beautiful on the inside. She was a mother of a 7 year old girl name maira. Who was as beautiful if not more than her mother.
She just gave birth to another girl, maira cried cause she was her sister being born, she had the most wonrderful look when she looked at him, the father of her sister. The only man that shes ever known to be apart of her life. Meg layed there in he sweat, holdin her new baby, the emotions flooded her heart, how she could make such a beautiful child, how someone would want ot bethere to share in the joy of bring a life into this new family. It was ne wto everyone. They all sat together him holding her hand, while she held their daughter, and maira sat on the bed next to her mother, they felt like a family for the first time. it was a gov